Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Antibiotics for me, colic for Niamh.

Niamh is entirely too old to be getting colic. She suffered from it a little as a young baby but has ALWAYS had problems with stomach cramps in the evening. They don't seem to bother her too much until we are trying to settle her to bed. Then she will be a bit uncomfortable but settle ok, then she will start screaming in her sleep and alternating between straightening herself up and becoming rigid and bringing her knees and fists up, tears stream down her face, but she remains asleep. Gripe water used to help, then when we couldn't get hold of that Boots own gripe mixture worked just as well (if not better). Now, however, because of whatever is going on with gripe water you CANNOT get either, anywhere. We have been trying fennel tea and infacol but they don't seem to help her. So if anyone has any ideas or tips please, please, PLEASE let me know. I can't stand to see her in pain, it's almost like it hurts me.

I have another cyst thing, boil, almost abscess, whatever you want to call it. When I say I have another one, I have had this one for quite a while but it hasn't been red, inflamed or overly painful so I hadn't felt the need to take the box of antibiotics I always have. But a while ago it started showing all the signs so I began the antibiotics, it had almost disappeared when the course ran out. Needless to say a week or so later I was ordered to start another course. I hate antibiotics. Especially when I don't really feel horrible, I know I need to take them to prevent the infection taking hold but they make me feel pretty crap, more run down, more tired and my immune systems function drop dramatically. This means normally, if I go out anywhere I'll catch whatever happens to be going round at the time. That said, it's definitely preferable to a raging infection!

Niamh talks even more now. She says, "bear", "dog", "hello" and "bye" super clearly. She also says a few other things like "thank you" and "love you" but they're not insanely clear yet. She is climbing even more as well now. She gets onto my sofa that was raised by an OT a while ago, she got super frustrated the first few times she tried to do it. It was really very amusing, and as annoying as it is I felt proud when she figured out a way she could get up there!

Here are mine and Niamh's 366 photos for today!

Night all!

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