Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Wow, a positive experience with a doctor!!

Went to the doctors yesterday for a mediciation review and it actually went really well. I saw a lovely GP called Dr Singh, who is one of the two doctors I trust to treat anything relating to my M.E, sadly at my surgery we have two doctors that don't believe in M.E and a couple who firmly believe in the use of both CBT and GET (graded exercise therapy). So, you can see why I'm so careful about who i'll see.

As usual I went in with a list of other things too, it's so hard for me to get out to the surgery and I don't really like asking them to come to me unless it's really bad. So, walked in and then couldn't remember why I was originally there (medication review), I just kinda sat there and "errring" and "ummming" but lucky for me this GP is very understanding and looked on the computer to find out why I was there. We reviewed my meds, upped my pregablin, put my anti-nausea meds on repeat and re-prescribed me some more of my strongest painkillers. Then we went on to everything else on my list. He officially diagnosed me with Restless Leg Syndrome, which is something he had just suspected I had until now. He phoned up physiotherapy and asked where the hell my referral was and strangely enough they managed to fit me in on a cancellation (funny that) so I now have an appointment with them on Thursday morning. He referred me to an allergy clinic as well, which is helpful, I would really love to know for definite which things I am allergic to. We spoke about other things like my floppiness and occasional inability to hold my own head up, and he thinks I need a neck support and maybe some other wrist supports which would still allow me to use my crutches (the supports I have at the moment hold my wrists at funny angles and make it impossible to use walking aids). Typical with M.E that the cure for one problem causes others! So yeah, one very helpful appointment (something I rarely say in relation to anything medical!).

Niamh is still having colicy episodes but I moved her main meal to lunch time instead of tea time, started keeping a food diary and cut down the amount of diary she has. This seems to have helped, I managed to get hold of some gripe mixture from boots too, which is brilliant. Dr Singh is also going to see what he can do, I have an appointment with him for her for a week on Tuesday, and he's hoping if I keep on with the food diary until then we will be able to put her on a food elimination diet, which might show what is causing the episodes. Which is fantastic, it's nice to see someone wanting to help her. I usually get the standard "she'll grow out of it" which she probably will, but why should she have to suffer so much until then? To find the food that causes the problem and reduce it or cut it out for now, would result in her being in less pain, what parent wouldn't want that? It may even be that later on in life, as she grow up, she may no longer be sensitive to it any more and then I could re-introduce her to it!

Anyway that's about it! Hoping to post more often, having been writing down ideas for new material for a while and now I sort of have a brain I hope I can write more entries! Yayness!

Here are mine and Niamh's 366 photo's from yesterday, not a good day for me (as you can probably see).

And Niamh's, her first Tumble Tot's photograph (so sweet).

Hope you are all as well as possible!

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