Sunday, 25 September 2011

Support? Understanding? Normality? and great great uncle Joe!

I didn't write yesterday as I was still feeling very ill.

I got annoyed yesterday, and couldn't sleep in fact, due to thinking too much, mainly about just how much this one thing annoyed me! In fact, I originally wrote this on my iphone at 1am in the hope that if I wrote it down it would cease to piss me off as much.

Basically, I am a member of a few FM and M.E support groups on facebook, on which I regularly post my blog entries.Appropriate it would seem, given the subject. But it would appear that one such "support" group I have annoyed people by posting them.This, ordinarily, would be fine and perfectly acceptable. However, my blog entries are almost the only posts on it. So I find it hard to work out where the "support" it actually provides is. It is a shame, as I think it potentially could be a big source of support and a community for people with both M.E and FM, but the truth is that it simply isn't.

I have now left the group and deleted all the posts of mine that it would allow me to, as to anger people was defiantly not the point. It can now continue to provide support to people, and I really hope it achieves this goal. As, in my opinion, the support it provided me with in the 2 months that I was a member was, sadly, lacking.

Now I realise that my entries are often pretty damn trivial, but I honestly believe, with every fibre of my being, that if you constantly think/focus/write/talk etc about this disease it only becomes more consuming and depressing. I want my blog to be supportive in terms of you can have this disease and have kids/be happy/live your life. If people fail to see the intended support in that then, that is ok, many have told me they have felt supported and encouraged by it, and that's all that really matters!

Today we went to see my great uncle Joe (Niamh's great great uncle) so it won't be a long entry as travelling really tires me out, more so, it seems with a baby. I was also awake until about 2.30am so that doesn't help either, neither does my stupid inability to sleep in cars!

Anyway, we drove to Kent, then went out for a while then back to uncle Joe's. He has a vegetable patch and grows the BIGGEST onions I have ever seen:

We had a cup of tea and some cakes uncle Joe had kindly made for us, Niamh really enjoyed it!

Once home I rested and together me and Chris gave Niamh her tea and then it will be bath and bed time for a certain pickle. I feel I won't be long after her! Need some relaxation time first though!


  1. Those who matter don't mind and those mind don't matter. Love, you'd think people would know what it is like, and be for you not against you, but some people are so self-absorbed. I love your blog, it is important as you say to focus on good stuff and everyday life - otherwise this illness beats us hands down. I hope they haven't read my blog in which I laugh and joke about ME and such - in my world I figure laughing is better than crying. Keep up the good work hun.

    Shel xxx

  2. Think I was a member of the same group, they asked me not to post my blog anymore.
    Love your blog and looking at the photo's
