Friday 9 March 2012

What would you do?

Someone linked me to a video the other day and this is it.

It made me cry when I watched it. It's American, so lets not get into this whole name debate about whether it should be referred to as M.E or CFS, it's the same disease at the end of the day and the meaning of the video is exactly the same.

Basically, an American charity called "Solve CFS" asked a number of sufferers what they would do if tomorrow they woke up completely cured. I sat for a long time after watching the video and decided I couldn't narrow a list down very far. There is simply so much. So here are a few things.

If I woke up tomorrow and I was completely healed, I would:

  • Run around with Niamh in the park. 
  • Throw away my wheelchair, crutches, walking stick and other equipment.
  • Clean my house and move things around so that it is exactly how I want it. 
  • Organise everything, because I would be able to remember what I'm doing! 
  • Go out late with my friends and dance the night away. 
  • Eat and drink what I like. 
  • Plan activities to do all day, everyday, with Niamh. 
  • Go back to midwifery. 
  • Bake cakes everyday. 
  • Go for a walk in the rain.
  • Swim in the sea. 
  • Play in the snow. 
  • Fill in my own forms.
  • Talk to people on the phone. 
  • Sort out my own affairs!
  • Plan my future.
  • Live for everyday. 
I don't see it ever happening but it's worth hoping for, I suppose! One of my friends did ask me once, if there as suddenly a cure for M.E would I take it? My answer was, of course I would. He then made the very valid point that it would change my entire world in an instant. It did make me wonder how I would cope. Of course it would be for the better, but literally every aspect of my life would change and I suppose that would take some getting used to.

There is just so much that I want to do with my life, but I am so restricted by this disease. I spend so much time looking at the positives of my life, and they are so important to me and all I need. But, some days I do spend time thinking about how my life should have gone, well how it might have gone if I didn't have this illness. The aspects of life that I miss out on, that I want and can't have. Things that I felt I should have been able to accomplish, things that I miss. But when you look at it, if I didn't have M.E then I may not have had Chris and Niamh and no amount of suffering can make me want to change them!

So, I want to ask those of you who also have this disease, or other illnesses and/or disabilities that prevent you from living your life in the way in which you would like, what would you do if you woke up tomorrow and were completely cured? And those of you who don't, who still have the potential to live your life in the way you would like, to do what you want, what would you do today, if you knew that tomorrow you would wake up with M.E?

Here are mine and Niamh's 366 pics for today. Sling snuggles.

And Niamh, climbing again, and giving me a heart attack!

This is a picture of me, made with words, I think it looks like M.E feels, if that makes sense!

Night folks!


  1. What a lovely post. After finishing reading it, I sat back to ask myself what I WOULD do if I woke up cured tomorrow, and I realised that I'm too scared to do it. Too scared to dream, because I've wished so often for it in the past, and have always been so disappointed. Isn't that sad?!

    I do know, that if my M.E allowed, I'd play with my little son more. And spring clean my house. Beyond that, I daren't dream.

  2. :) first I would pinch myself a hell of a lot to check I wasn't dreaming lol then I would RUN and run and run and run...

    then I would finish my degree quickly and to the highest standard possible

    I would get into an exercise regime and get properly healthy and back to a size 10.

    I would apply to do a PGCE so I can get a job and save up for a wedding a house and children

    I'd plan events with friends and family every weekend and actually socialise properly again

    I would cook and clean and take care of my appearance and contribute properly to the life me and my fiancé want to build together

    I'd go on holidays going mountain climbing, swimming in the sea and enjoying myself

    some days thinking about all of this really gets me down :S but I try to stay optimistic, and you're right what you say; if I had been healthy things could have gone very differently and not necessarily for the better and I may not be with my wonderful partner now.
