Friday, 2 March 2012

Niamh's ill again.

Sorry I haven't been able to write in a while but Niamh, the poor pickle, is ill again. Since the 13th of Feb she has had a sickness and diahorrea bug, an ears, nose and throat viral thing (which she gave to me) and most recently (and ongoing at the moment) an ear infection (in both ears) and a chest infection. Poor little one. She's been having high temperatures that have seen her practically naked most of the time and being dunked into cool baths at random intervals throughout the day. Which she does not enjoy. It seems like as soon as she gets over one thing she picks up something else.

Of course it's hard on me and Chris as well. Chris because he still has to do the nights with her, even though she has been incredibly unsettled and up most of the night and then he has had to go to work. Each day this goes on he is getting more and more tired. Although having said that she had a bit of a better night last night, and Chris being normal, seems to have picked up a bit, I suppose his body doesn't take weeks to recover from a few bad days. I have been awake most of the time she has overnight, because the flat is so small you can't not hear her if she is awake. Also having her be ill and spiking temperatures here, there and everywhere has meant that I have had to be a lot more active during the day than my body can truly take. I have also been worried and on edge all the time. This, as most people reading this will understand, is a bad idea for a M.E sufferer as worry and stress make all the symptoms worse. So basically, as Niamh improves I am worsening. I just have to get to Sunday when Chris is off and I can rest all day. He's asking work about unpaid holiday to give me a bit more time to rest and recover so I can avoid all risk of a relapse.

I've been having real issues with my neck, it's beginning to have massive trouble holding up my huge, heavy head (it's all the brains)! Also I have been throwing things at a remarkable rate, this usually happens occasionally but at the moment is a much more common occurrence. Mainly drinks in fact, and after wasting an obscene about of diet coke I seem to have worked out it is the tipping motion of trying to drink, so at the moment I am having to drink everything threw a straw, including tea and wine. I am pure class! Anything hot must also have a lid, lucky for me Wilko's do this rather funky keep calm and carry on mug (pre-straw):

It's quite a lifesaver in fact, and I really like keep calm and carry on stuff, so I don't think I feel as annoyed about having to have lids and straws when I get to have a funky cup! O and, seriously, wine through a straw, classy, and I think I still managed to spill it!

Dad has been round loads, taking Niamh for short walks when she perks up a bit in the afternoon, which has given me a chance to have a bit of a rest. Mum has helped out and even my sister has come and brought me stuff round (which is a massive thing for her at the moment as she has just got the keys for her new house and has been trying to clean and sort it ready for furniture in her 4 rest days). It's a nice house, I think she will be very happy there, I am very excited for her and very, VERY jealous!

Anyway, I will attempt to get back to posting regularly as soon as Niamh has improved and when I have enough energy (freakishly like today).

Here are mine and Niamh's 366 pictures for today:

And Niamh, having snuggles with Auntie Angela :)

Night folks!

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