Thursday 18 August 2011

Baby Led Weaning

Was too shattered to write last night so here is yesterday's entry, will try and keep up today!

Well, what a mess! Niamh is not keen on homemade puree's, despite my best intentions. It doesn't help that she's completely terrified of the hand blender. I have been feeding her the organic food pouches which she loves, but is obiviously a bit on the expensive side. To be fair it's probably not that different price wise from buying organic fruit and vegetables and making them myself but still, i;m looking for a cheaper option.

So I thought I would try a bit of baby led weaning on the side. I now give her some of the puree and then finger food. She loved it. It made a MASSIVE mess! Especially when she got hold of the pouch of left over puree and squeezed it everywhere, o well! Here is a picture of the artistic mess she made for me!

I made the decision not to beat myself up about using pouches. If it saves me time and more importantly precious energy that I can then use to play with Niamh then so be it. I spend an awful lot of my time feeling very guilty about the way I parent. Mainly because I think my parenting style would be very different if I wasn't ill. I think I would lean toward attachment parenting, I definatly would have breastfed if it hadn't been for all the meds i'm on. She would have made a brillant breastfed baby.  I love co-sleeping with her but can only do it during the occasional nap as I don't want her to become dependant on it as I can't do it at night, once again because of medication. Sometimes I get really upset about it, but realistically I know that I am doing my best, I try my utmost to make the best enviroment for her despite my situation.

O and by the way, she LOVES her car. It is SO noisey! I think i'll get used to it eventually though. Most of her noisey toys, and baby tv have just become white noise to me now. I really hope I do, because otherwise I think it might drive me completely insane!

I've been having hip problems lately. Woke up in the middle of the night saturday night after hearing a massive crunch. From the pain that followed I can only assume it was my hip! Pain I can deal with, it's the lack of sleep that results from the pain thats the problem. The next day Chris has to do a boot sale to try and get us some money, so my parents took Niamh for 3 hours so I can sleep. I hate having to do that, but sometimes it is really important. The pain meds I needed to take to allow me to sleep turn me into a zombie, so I felt I wasn't safe to look after Niamh alone. Hence the reason I rarely take them, I wouldn't want to be so out of it if she needed me. Sometimes needs must and I am lucky to have such a supportive husband and family, and a tight network of friends to help me when I need it.

Anyway, I'm off, want to have a sleep while Niamh's down for a nap. Hope her passport gets delievered early so that we can go for a short walk later!

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