Tuesday 6 September 2011

Just another manic monday.

This is yesterday's entry, some of it was actually written yesterday and some of it was finished off this morning because I felt so ill I went to bed before 8pm. Enjoy.

Chris was still off today, and I got another lie in. Good job really because I've managed to catch some kind of virus, which of course has scrambled my brain and muscles and everything else (huff!). Still managed to get some stuff done though because I didn't start feeling really rubbish until this evening. We had to go to town and get some more stuff for holiday on Saturday (Majorca, wahoo!!). We had lunch while we were out and went to see Chris's sister at her shop:

We met dad for a coffee which was good as it kind of broke up the day a bit and allowed me to rest as sometimes its just all too much isn't it.

When we got home I had a bit more of a rest as our friend Phil, my sister and her boyfriend were coming over, and they were bringing Kia the dog. So before that could happened I needed to have a rest. Niamh, of course still wanted a cuddle though. (shes so cute sometimes, well, most of the time):

Phil came round and had a cup of tea and a chat, we also made him hold Niamh, resulting in him getting slightly covered in the melon she was having as a snack at the time. Just before Phil left, my sister (Angela) and her boyfriend (Karl) turned up with Kia (the dog, but you already know that one). They played with Niamh for a while and Angela had a good time laughing with me whilst Niamh ate dinner. Here's a picture of Niamh having fun on uncle Karl's shoulders, she did threaten to have a poo whilst up there though:

Niamh's God father Judd came round for chinese and gaming on the xbox, but I just about managed to eat some Chinese, tried to have a bath, but failed miserably and then went to bed. Sorry for the rubbish entry but wasn't the most exciting of days, still though managed to have some fun though, accomplish to some stuff and see some people. So, not a total loss.

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