Wednesday 21 September 2011

Rolling round town.

This is yesterday's entry as I wasn't up to writing it last night.

It was Chris's last day before he went back to work, and I was still feeling very rubbish after the emotional overload Sunday night. Chris (and Niamh) let me lie in, and I got up shortly before Niamh went down for her morning nap. Whilst she was down I rested and Chris did some cleaning (that I usually try and do at the same time). Which was really lovely of him as I'm completely anal about cleaning, and Chris isn't. I like to do some things daily, and Chris doesn't. I clean things that aren't really dirty sometimes, Chris doesn't see the point. So basically, it's usually me that does the cleaning, Chris will do things if I ask (normally, somewhat begrudgingly) but rarely offers if he doesn't believe it needs doing. But the past few days he's been offering to do things he doesn't really think needs doing, which is so lovely and totally relieves the stress on me.

When Niamh woke we were off to town, to meet Judd and to do a couple of bits (including hopefully get Chris's phone sorted once and for all). Niamh was dressed, it seems, in an overwhelming amount of pink!

She had lots of cuddles with Jud and Chris, and whilst she was hugging Chris is managed to attack the plant behind him, which may now be missing a bit!

After this we went to the O2 shop, where they did manage to explain to Chris how to fix his phone, which he has since done, so fingers crossed. Off to tescos to buy some meat and get stopped my most of Chris's work friends to oogle at Niamh, which is really quite cute, but does mean that we end up being in Tesco much long than planned! Every time!

We had a voucher thing for pizza hut, that you had to take in to be opened and you could win loads of stuff. So it was off to pizza hut for lunch, Niamh enjoyed it, even if we did only win a free portion of cheesy garlic bread:

She made one hell of a mess which Chris kindly cleared up, we didn't think it was fair on the staff to clear up all of that! Whilst he was clearing up Niamh was getting all impatient to get rolling, so to speak!

On the way back Niamh fell asleep on my lap again, but managed to twist her hat around so she looked silly, beforehand:

Funny girl! Later in the afternoon mum and dad came round to play with Niamh for a bit. This was an extra good thing as Chris had to pop out and see a mate who had really hurt himself coming off a bike whilst we were on holiday, and I still wasn't really up to looking after Niamh alone. Mum and dad played silly games with her, and I lie on the floor and watched them play.

At one point, I may have put a washing basket on mums head, which Niamh thought was brilliant:

So then we obviously had to put Niamh in the washing basket, which she clearly thought was even more brilliant:

Then it was bath and bed time for Niamh, she was so good and settled okay even though she had a bad tummy again. Shes been breathing in short little breaths when she gets excited and we think it's giving her wind, more pickle.

 I spent the evening look for more M.E/CFS and FM icons, think I found quite a few! So look out for them at the end of my posts!

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