Thursday 8 September 2011

Starbucks, KFC and cleaning.

Niamh had a real mummy day today. Chris was on a late at work so the plan was that I would lay in, but despite trying to settle and/or entertain her for two hours he, in the end had to come and get me because I'm usually better at calming her down. I just gave her a hug, sat her on my lap and she was immediatly quiet! Theres a thing! It's nice to be loved. She went back down for her morning nap just after 8 and slept for an hour and a half, thus allowing me to get a bit of rest.

I spent sometime on facebook during my rest (bad Jenny) and read Karl's status that he was thinking of heading into town for a starbucks. I had to go in anyway because, despite my multiple lists and whole-hearted attempt to be organised I had still managed to forget things we would need for holiday! So me and Niamh went in to join him for a starbucks. She had a brilliant time pulling faces with uncle Karl:

After this Karl had to go so myself and Niamh got the bits we needed and headed home, couldn't resist the erge to put various items of halloween style headgear on her:

I think this makes me a mean mother, in my defense though she seemed to enjoy it:

Dad came round and bought me lunch (KFC, healthy, I know) and Niamh (didn't have KFC), had her lunch with us! She had chicken and veg, with some baby biscuits and fruit for pudding. She entertained my dad for a while (rather than dad entertaining her). Then he disappeared and I attempted to clean up the small explosion that appeared to have taken place while I wasn't watching. I'm also trying to slowly do a bigger clean than I normally would so that there is less to do when we come back from holiday. Got a busy day planned for tomorrow so I know I won't be able to do much then, and get my rests in, which are more important than ever if I don't want to be rubbish on saturday.

Chris was on a late at work today, so I made sure I stayed organised, and had everything ready for Niamh's bedtime, and took her straight from her highchair for a bath. However, him being on a late always exhausts me more than normal. I find them very difficult. I just want to be as well as possible for Saturday!

I am actually nervous about Saturday for SO many reasons. One I don't like flying anyway. Two, I'm worried about flying with Niamh, whether or not it will upset/hurt her. Three, I'm not fantastic with travelling and four, stupidly, time change of any kind really screws me up, even an hour's difference (like between here and Majorca) and cause me real problems. That said, it doesn't always happen so fingers crossed.

I'm going to leave it here for today, want to be in bed by 9, as Chris is on an early tomorrow (starts work at 7) and I have a busy day as is. Then have my sister and Karl (and maybe Judd) coming round for a pizza dinner as none of us have any food in. So my morning rest period is going to suffer, hoping that the Niamh will have a longer afternoon nap as her morning one will be disturbed too. Wish me luck!

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